His Dreams

Let me tell you what I’ve been thinking about lately. There’s a Bible verse that I like- Psalm 37:4 tells us to “take delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.”  What does that mean to you?

This is what it means to me…..while God does honor our obedience and wants to bless us, he wants to bless us regardless of “us.” He’s a loving Father. I don’t know that it’s about us being “rewarded” for our obedience. Who would be able to earn that? Not me.

Could it mean that He’s the one who gives us those desires to begin with? He’s the one who puts them there, in our hearts? So, if He’s the giver, then wouldn’t he also be the fulfiller of those dreams?

Not all of our hopes, plans and dreams come to pass in the way that we think they should. Believe me, I know this.  But when we allow Him to work those dreams out, bringing them about in His timing, the way He knows is best, then what a better dream it is!  For me, that means letting go.   Why do I struggle so much with this?  I’ve proven myself inept, time and again! I am not trustworthy, I can’t handle the responsibility of living my life independant from Him.  He has never failed me, though.  He is trustworthy when I am not. There have been situations I haven’t understood and haven’t agreed with but I also know that my mind can’t understand His ways. How could it? 

 “For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known. ” 1 Cor. 13:12

We live in a world that is broken. He came to redeem us from it and restore that relationship between us and Him.

I am thankful that God continues to teach me and doesn’t get tired of me.  I pray that I will always embrace His dreams that He’s given me because those are the best kind!

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About tonyagarrick

Southern wife, mom of 2 teenage boys and 1 beautiful little girl, middle school teacher, expat. My loves: reading, laughing, the beach, coffee and Coke, nature, newness, education, art, travel. Do not love: seafood, lies, boredom, scary stuff. This blog is about our family and our adventures through life, wherever that may lead. Current home: South Korea

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