Welcoming The New Year!

My kids are almost 14, 11 and almost 5. I’m not sure how that happened so fast! Some days I feel like that makes me old. But, sometimes I just love being their mom and don’t think about my age. That’s my New Year’s resolution– to embrace the moments more…and there are so many to embrace! How many blessings do we miss out on by being preoccupied with the daily stuff or other people’s stuff? Ahhhh….the joys of being 40ish. I’m caring less and less about the silly stuff and more about substance. Being kind, loving my neighbor, being a good wife and mom. Enjoying my days….my family, my job, my church, my friends. Focusing on all of the good things leaves very little time for the worries and stuff that can quickly become all consuming.
So, that is my 2015 resolution! Well, that and drinking more water…

Happy New Year to you and yours!


I alone cannot change the world, but I can
cast a stone across the waters to create many
ripples. –Mother Teresa