Fall in Seoul

I love fall! It’s cool in Korea so that means no more tank tops for this southern girl.  But here, that means pull out all of your big coats and bundle up.  It’s just fall, y’all, not winter. The leaves are changing and it’s really beautiful here.  My dear hubby bought me a little pumpkin and my dear friends (here and in Mississippi) bought me some fall decorations. Now I can decorate! Pumpkins, leaves and well, that’s about it. Decorating for fall is not high on Korea’s list. Maybe I could carve a sweet potato.

Hanging pumpkins!

Hanging pumpkins!

My brain is on overload from a conference I’m attending.  Report cards come out soon and we’re about to start the 2nd quarter. This school year is going by fast! Jacob has asked every day what we’re doing for Halloween.  Sad to say, probably a bit fat nothing. I’ll find him some candy so he’ll be happy.  Julianna loves kindergarten but is exhausted everyday. She has more good days than bad but she’s still adjusting.  It’s hard for a little Korean girl! The boys are doing their thing and still enjoying school.  IMG_2039

Here is my challenge to you:  learn about trauma in kids.  Learn about transition with adoption.  Read about how trauma affects learning.  For the sake of all the kids who didn’t get a fair start, please do it.  Nothing hurts a mama’s heart more than when their baby is not understood.  And as a reminder, adoption is not all sweet and cute.  There is so much loss and confusion.

Thankful for big brothers.

Thankful for big brothers.

We are thankful for friends here who love on our girl.  (the boys opt out of being loved on!) We are enjoying Korea and venturing out more and more. And we bought a car!  We’re adjusting to life here and feeling more at home.  And we bought a table! We look forward to going to the states in December.




Happy fall, everyone, and be sure and hug someone you love today!

Happy Fall from the Garricks!

Happy Fall from the Garricks!

Earth Day Honors Creation

What energizes you? What brings out the best in you? Makes you feel like a whole person? That would involve being outdoors for me. I need to be outdoors (preferably at the beach or digging in the dirt) whenever possible to feel like my whole self.  A day or even a quick walk outside can lower my stress immediately. I feel more energized and happy. What about you??

Okay. Now we’ll talk about Earth Day.  I know that many in some Christian circles believe that celebrating Earth Day is a waste of time, that it’s a liberal “holiday”, that being “green” is not a calling for us. That we should worry about people and we have dominion over the earth, so global warming isn’t real or shouldn’t be worried about.  You know what I’m talking about.  I heard the BEST sermon Sunday about Earth Day. Seriously.  Here are a few of my favorite parts.

1. The earth was created first.  Then us.

2. Yes, we are given dominion over the earth, but what does that mean? Does it mean we can do what we want without any accountability or responsibility? Maybe not. We are supposed to care for God’s creation, not wreck it and abuse it without concern.  I’m sad that this is a new concept for me and a lot of us.  Why does recycling and being responsible citizens, not polluting, being conscientious of our impact on the environment seem foreign to us? Why is it something to be ridiculed and claimed to be a waste of time and even more, against true Christianity?

3. God will redeem his creation.  People and the earth.

If He created it, He must love it, right?

If He loves it, we should, too.  Right? I believe so.

How does your family, school, community, church recognize Earth Day?

Want to listen to the sermon (from 2013)? FBC Memphis, podcasts on the right side.